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Most important hpssc- JOA computer questions

 Most important questions for various hpssc exams

Questions level - moderate to hard


Q-1) Which generation of language does Assembly language belong to?
i) 4GL
ii) 3GL
iii) 2GL
iv) 1GL
Ans. 2GL
Q-2) A master control program that runs the computer is an.................
i) Interpreter
ii) Assembler
iii) Compiler
iv) Operating System
Ans. Operating System
Q-3) GUI is used as an interface between..............
i) User and Hardware
ii) Hardware and Software
iii) Software and User
iv) Man and Monitor
Ans. User and Hardware. 

Q-4) MS-Power Point is an example of ............
i) Database software
ii) Multimedia software
iii) Presentation software
iv) None of these

Ans.  Presentation Software

Q-5) Who is known as the mother of Computer system?
i) Mary Barra
ii) Safra Catz
iii) Gail Koziara Boudreaux
iv) Lady Ada Lovelace
 Ans. Lady Ada Lovelace

Q-6) Who invented ENIAC- the first general purpose electronic digital computer?
i) Chester and Carlson
ii) Sir Christopher Latham Sholes and Bob Noyce
iii) Sir John Mauchly and Sir J P Eckert 
iv) Jerry Yang and David Filo

Ans. Sir JohnMauchly and Sir J P Eckert

Q-6) Who invented keyboard?
i) James T.Russell
ii) Sir John Kemeny
iii) Sir Christopher Latham Sholes
iv) Sir Thomas Kurtz

Ans. Sir Christopher Latham Sholes

Q-7) Team Viewer is a proprietary computer software used for
i) Video Calling with a team.
ii) To Presentation on a screen
iii) Share files from one pc to another.
iv) Remote control, desktop sharing

Ans. Remote control, desktop sharing

Q-8) What is Cloud Computing?
i) Computing on cloud
ii) Storage of files on Servers
iii) Storage on files on a local pc
iv) None of above

Ans. Storage of files on Servers

Q-9) Which of the following is a cloud service provided by google?
i) Google maps
ii) Goolge Drive
iii) Google Meet
iv) Files by Google

Ans. Google Drive

Q-10)  Who is known as the founder of WWW?
i) Jerry Yang
ii) David Filo
iii) Martin Cooper
iv) Tim Berners Lee

Ans. Tim Berners Lee

Q-11) Which type of chart looks similar to a spider net?
i) Column
ii) Bar
iii) Pie
iv) Radar

Ans. Radar

Q-12) The axis that represents the values or units of the source data is called........
i) Category Axis
ii) Axis
iii) Value Axis
iv) None of these

Ans. Value Axis

Q-13) In which group of the Home tab is the Format option available?
i) Clipboard
ii) Cells
iii) Font
iv) Number

Ans. Cells

Q-14) What is the default format for expressing numbers in Excel?
i) General
ii) User-defined
iii) -1234
iv) Percentage

Ans. General

Q-15) Name the type of Chart which does not have gridlines.
i) Bar
ii) Pie
iii) Column
iv) Line

Ans. Pie

Q-16) Which pair of brackets are used to denote a negative values in MS Excel?
i) Curly Brackets
ii) Parenthesis
iii) Brackets
iv) All of these

Ans. Parenthesis

Q-17) Which symbol separates the address of the starting cell address from the ending cell address in a range?
i) Semicolon
ii) Full Stop
iii) Colon
iv) None of these

Ans. Colon

Q-18) If there is no mouse attached in  pc then which key is works as a mouse
i) Caps Lock
ii) Pause Break
iii) PrtSc SycRq
iv) Tab
Ans. Tab
Q-19) Which of the following is CUI based operating System?
i) Ms Dos
ii) Windows Vista
iii) Windows XP
iv) All of these

Ans MS Dos

Q-20) Disk cleanup is a ................. tool.
i) Virus Scanner Cleaner
ii) Disk Management
iii) File Folder Management
iv) Encryption

Ans. Disk Management

Q-21) Which type of Application Software is used in the Billing System? 
i) Customized
ii) General Purpose
iii) Speicific Purpose
iv) None of these

Ans. Specific Purpose

Q-22) Which of the following is 5th Generation language?
i) Assembly Language
ii) Machine Language
iii) High Level Language
iv) Artificial Intelligence

Ans. Artificial Intelligence

Q-23) Which of the following is not a function of operating system?
i) File Management
ii) Memory Management
iii) Processor Management
iv) Database Management 

Ans. Database Management

Q-24) Assembly language
i) Machine
ii) binary
iii) Decimal
iv) Mnemonic

Ans. Mnemonic

Q-25) ..................... are special programs which control the execution of a particular hardware device.
i) Device Drivers
ii) Encryption
iii) Disk Cleanup
iv) Compression 

Ans. Device Drivers

You can also download the pdf of this file:  HPSSC JOA top computer questions


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