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HPSSC - Junior Office Assistant Most important computer questions

 HPSSC- important computer questions for various examination

Most important questions for various JOA (Junior Office Assistant) exams  

 Q-1) Which of the following is not a type of RAM ?
 i) DRAM  
ii) SRAM

Ans. SSD

Q-2)  Which of the following is the smallest and largest unit of memory?
i) Nibble, PB
ii) Byte,TB

Ans. Nibble,PB

Q-3) Super computer is a type of which of the following:
i) Analog Computer
ii) Digital Computer
iii) Hybrid Computer
iv) None of these

Ans. Digital Computer

Q-4) A microprocessor is a ................... where a large number of circuit elements  are integrated.
i) electronic board
ii) chip
iii) mother board
iv) none of these
Ans. Chip
Q-5) The speed of a CPU is determined by the number of .................. executed by it per second.
i) megahertz
ii) rules
iii) instructions
iv) processes  

Ans. instructions

Q-6) The speed of CPU is measured in
i) MB
ii) TB
iii) CB
iv) Mhz
Ans. Mhz
Q-7) Which of the following is not a characteristic of computer?
i) Accuracy
ii) Speed
iii) Less Storage capacity
iv) Reduces paper work
Ans. Less Storage Capacity
Q-8) Which of the following is not a part of a CPU?
i) MU
ii) ALU
iii) VDU
iv) CU
Ans.  VDU
Q-9) A commonly used storage device is...........
i) RAM
iii) SRAM
iv) Hard disk
Ans. Hard disk
Q-10) Which of the following category is not included in Micro computers?
i) Tablet PC
ii) Laptop Computer
iii) Super Computer
iv) Handheld devices
Ans. Super Computer 

Q-11) In which form is the data represented in Digital Computers?
i) Octal form
ii) Binary form
iii) Decimal form
iv) Analog form

Ans. Binary form

Q-12) The memory which is programmed at the time of manufacturing and cannot be modified later is called.......
iii) ROM
iv) RAM


Q-13) Primary memory is of two types these are


Q-14) Unorganized raw facts and figures given to a computer are collectively called ...........
i) ROM
ii) Information
iii) Output
iv) Data

Ans. Data

Q-15) The process of converting unorganized data into meaningful information according to user's instructions called...........
i) Processing
ii) Output
iii) Storage
iv) Input

Ans. Processing

Q-16) ............... converts digital signal to analog signal and vice versa.
i)  ISP
ii)  Wifi
iii) Modem
iv) Etranet

Ans. Modem

Q-17) The computers which are located at far away locations use the ..................... systems for data communication.
i) Cable
ii) Telecommunication
iii) Routers
iv) Hubs

Ans. Telecommunication

Q-18) ............. is commonly used for measuring the speed of modem.
i) Band
ii) Bytes per second
iii) Bits per second
iv) None of these
Ans. Bits per second

Q-19) Which is the most widely used form of wiring medium that transmits transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidth?
i) Optical Fiber cable
ii) Coaxial cable
iii) Twisted Pair wire
iv) None of these

Ans. Optical Fiber cable

Q-20) A computer system which can access a remote service from a server using a network is called a...........
i) Server
ii) Node
iii) NIC
iv) Bridges

Ans. Node

Q-21) The AVI format was developed by.........
i) Apple
ii) Microsoft
iii) Lenovo
iv) Motorola

Ans. Microsoft

Q-22) The maximum range of MAN can be
i) 10
ii) 20
iii) 40
iv) 50

Ans. 50

Q-23) Videos stored in MPEG format have the extension.............
i) .mpg
ii) .WMV
iii) .WMF
iv) None of these
Ans. mpg
Q-24) Operating System is a type of .................... software.
i) System
ii) Application
iii) Utility
iv) Custom
Ans. System
Q-25) Which of the following is used to collect more information from user to carry on some task?
i) Menu
ii) Edit
iii) Dialog box
iv) Icon
Ans. Dialog Box   
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