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HPSSC JOA-939 preparation Top mcq questions for practice | ( Part -4 )

 HPSSC JOA-939 preparation Top mcq questions for practice  (Part-4)

Q-1) The general arrangement and appearance of text in a document is known as ...................
i) Editing
ii) Formatting
iiii) Appearing
iv) Mailing
Ans. Formatting
Q-2) How many types of text formatting do we have in MS Word?
i) One
ii) Two
iii) Three
iv) Four
Ans. Three
Q-3) Which type of formatting focuses on the appearance of  individual character?
i) Page
ii) Character
iii) Paragraph
iv) All of these
Ans. Character
Q-4) Under which tab do we have the Font group? 
i) Home
ii) Insert
iii) View
iv) Mailing
Ans. Home
Q-5) Which option in Ms Word places the selected text below the baseline?
i) Superscript
ii) Subscript
iii) Script
iv) Downscript
Ans. Subscript 
Q-6) Which of the following option intends all lines other than the first line?
 i) Bar Tab
ii) Left Tab
iii) Hanging Indent
iv) None of these
Ans. Hanging Indent
Q-7) What do you call the distance between the written text and the edge of a paper?
i) Margin
ii) Ruler Line
iii) Alignment 
iv) Indent Stop
Ans. Margin
Q-8) The Shortcut key to activate the spelling and Grammar tool is
i) F6
ii) F7
iii) F8
iv) F9
Ans. F7
Q-9) To start a new line without bullet or number .................  key combination is used.
i) Ctrl + Enter
ii) Alt + Enter
iii) Ctrl + Shift +Enter
iv) Shift + Enter
Ans. Shift + Enter
Q-10) Under which section of the spelling and Grammar dialog box do we find  the possible suggestions for a misspelled word?
i) Not in dictionary
ii) Suggestions
iii)  Corrected
iv) None of these
Ans. Suggestions
Q-11) What do we call the reference place that lists the synonyms of a word rather than its definition and pronunciation?
i) Dictionary
ii) Thesaurus
iii) Both a & b
iv) None of these
Ans. Thesaurus
Q-12) Which tab contains the Group option?
i) Format
ii) Insert
iii) View
iv) Review
Q-13) Which area is used to edit and design slides? 
i) Slides Pane
ii) Ribbon
iii) Notes Pane
iv) Title Bar
Ans. Slides Pane
Q-14) Where is the Date and Time feature displayed on a slide?
i) Top
ii) Left
iii) Bottom
iv) Right
Ans. Bottom
Q-15) In how many ways can you create a new presentation? 
i) one 
ii) Two 
iii) Three
iv) Four
Ans. Three
Q-16) Which element of a slide contains the main content of the slide?
i) Background
ii) Body text
iii) Title
iv) Footer
Ans. Body Text
Q-17) Which key is used to select a group of contiguous slides from a presentation?
i) Shift
ii) Ctrl 
iii) Alt
iv) Esc
Ans. Shift
Q-18) Which view contains the thumbnails view of all slides in a presentation? 
i) Normal
ii) Notes Page
iii) Slide Sorter
iv) Slide Show
Ans. Slide Sorter
Q-19) Which element of the design template stores information about the template, placeholder sizes, and position of text and objects, bullet styles, background design and color schemes?
i) Slide Transitioin
ii) Slide Master
iii) Sample Design
iv) Slide layout
Ans. Slide Master
Q-20) Which key is used while grouping multiple shapes in PowerPoint?
i) Shift
ii) Esc
iii) Alt
iv) Ctrl
Ans. Shift
Q-21) Which option under the Add Effect tab in the custom Animation pane is used to display how the object is leaving the screen?
i) Exit
ii) Entrance
iii) Motion Paths
iv) Emphasis
Ans. Exit
Q-22) Which feature do you use to set a varying time for slides to be displayed before changing to the next slide?
i) Duration
ii) Speed
iii) Mode
iv) Rehearse Timings
Ans. Rehearse Timings  
Q-23) Which term of Information Technology is concerned with confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Data?
i) Plagiarism
ii) Piracy
iii) Privacy
iv) Information Security

Ans Information Security
Q-24) Intellectual Property does not include........
i) Copyright
ii) Piracy
iii) Trademark
iv) Patent
Ans. Piracy
Q-25) Which process is used in transforming data into an unreadable code which is transferred over the network?
i) Firewall
ii) Intrusion Detection System
iii) Cryptography
iv) Authentication
Ans. Cryptography
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