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What is Internet? Different types of Internet?Setting up a Connection to the Internet


Internet is a world wide network of interconnected computer networks, in which users can communicate, send/receive information through variety of methods.


There are  different types of Internet connections, you can choose from:

(i) Broadband Cable Connection: 

This connection type uses cable modem that works with cable TV. Cable Internet uses the TV channel space for  data-transmission. Typical speeds of  this connection type is 512Kbps to 20Kbps.

(ii) Dial Up Connection: 

This connection  type uses a modem to connect to Internet.  It is an economical slow, analog connection type that uses normal  telephone line to connect to Internet. Typical speeds of dial-up connections are 2400bps to 56kbps.

(iii)Wireless Internet Connection:

This connection type uses  radio-frequency  bands for data transfer. It is kind of always-on connection. Various wireless technologies  like Wifi, WiMax etc. are  used for wireless connections. Typical speed ranges are 11Mbps to 70Mbps.

(iv) ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network):

In this connection type data is transferred over digital telephone lines or normal telphone lines with speeds in the range 64kbps to 128kbps. B-ISDN is ISDN that transfers data over fiber optical cables.

(v) Digital  Subscriber Line(DSL):

This connection type uses a two-wire copper telephone line and the Internet service is delivered joined  with the wired telephone line. Typical speeds of DSL connections are 128kbps to 8Mbps.

Using any of these connection types, you can connect to Internet.

Setting up a Connection to the Internet

To start the Connect to the Internet Wizard, you need to do the following:

1. Click the Start button > Control Panel.
2. In the search box on the top right of Control Panel window, type network and click  Network and Sharing Center.
3. Click Set up a new connection or network, and then double-click Connect to the Internet.
4. Do as instructed by the wizard. 

Now you are ready to retrieve information from Net. But for this, you need an important software called Browser like Google chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla FireFox, Safari, Opera etc are popular Internet Browsers.


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