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Showing posts from April, 2021

What is Operating System? What are the types of operating system, Features and commonly used operating systems?

 What is Operating System? The Operating System (OS) is the most important program that runs on a computer. Computer being a machine cannot do anything on its own. It requires specific instructions on how to perform each and every task.  The user cannot communicate with the computer directly. Thus, you require an interface between the user and the hardware. The computer operating system acts like an interface. Operating system is the master program, which makes a PC alive and helps to run different applications. An  operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware . An operating system is an important component of a computer system which  controls all other components of the computer system. Operating system acts as a central coordinator between hardware and software. The operating system is classified into GUI and CUI, based on the way it interacts with the users. An Operating system encompasses all the operations like:    What to do?         

What is Computer Network, types, advantages and components of network?

What is Computer Network, types, advantages and components of network? A computer Network is a group of computers and peripheral devices, connected through a data communication system. A computer network faciliates the sharing of hardware and  software resources among  different users working on different computers. A computer network is a  interconnection of geographically distributed multiple computers in such a way that meaningful transmission  and exchange of information become possible among them.  In easy terms, a computer network is a number of computers interconnected by one or more transmission paths. Advantages of Network The key advantages of networking are: Hardware Sharing Software Sharing Reduces Redundancy Saves Paper and Time Internet Sharing Security Do you know? Components of a Computer Network A network is a group of a computers connected together for the purpose of sharing data with one another. The various parts of computer network are as follows: 1. SERVER: A serv

What are the 5 generations of programming languages?

 What are the 5 generations of programming languages? A computer only understand binary language i.e., 0 and 1.  Programming languages are classified into two types: Low level languages and High level languages.  The first computer language developed by programmers was very complex. Nowadays, with the advancement in computer technology, the languages have also evolved. They have now  become similar to  English language and can be understood by us. Generation of  languages 1. First generation languages (1GLs): First generation languages are  called machine language. Machine language is a set of instructions written in binary form i.e. in a string of  0's and 1's. This language is very lengthy and complicated. The machine language is also different for every system. It is written only by experts as it requires much knowledge of the internal computer architecture which is different for different machine. As this language is very complex and understand only by experts, so this lang

What is software and examples?

 What is software? A computer software is a a collection of programs and procedures that instructs a computer how to perform different types of tasks.  In a simple language," a software is that which we cannot touch and feel" For example: In todays world we use alot of digital devices for example smart watch, Mobile phones, Digital cameras, Smart Tv etc. all of these are just like an empty box if there is no software iniside this. Software is that which we seen on our  computer screen, mobile screen etc. From calulator to every single app which you use on your devices all of these are softwares. A software enhances the capability of the hardware and directs the computer to perform  operations like Input, Processing and Output.  A software can be classified into two types: 1. Application Software 2. System Software Also read about input and output devices System-Software: It is a collection of one or more program, which are designed to control the overall operation and perform