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History of computers? Types of computers ?

 History of computers?

Computers are not  the creation of one day, it took a long period for the development of modern computer.
Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer. Alan Turing is known as the father of modern computer.The 1st computer architecture was introduced by John Von Neumann in 1948. ENIAC was the world's 1st successful electronic computer which was developed by the two scientists namely JP Eckert & Jw Mauchy. It was the beginning of  1st generation computer. Siddhartha was the 1st computer developed in INDIA. The worlds 1st computer called the Z1, was invented by Konrad zuse. CRAY-1 was the 1st Super computer introduced by Seymour R Cray in 1976. PARAM was the 1st supercomputer developed in INDIA In 1990 which is assembled in Pune(Maharashtra). PARAM YUVA II developed in India (Pune). It is performed at a peak of 524 teraflops. It has been ranked 33rd in the list of Top 500 super computers in world. Tianhe-2 is the world's fastest supercomputer launched by China at NUDT University in 2013. It is based on Rylin Linux os with 33.86 petaflops. The 1st computer language developed was Fortran. 

Generations of computer

  • 1st generation (1946-1959)- vaccum tube based.
  • 2nd generation (1959-1965)- Transistor based.
  • 3rd generation (1965-1971)- Integrated circuits based.
  • 4th generation (1971-1980)- Microprocessor based.

Types of computers

Based on Principles of operations

Based  on the principle of operation, there are three types of computers.

1. Analog computers: 

These computers can perform numerous mathematical operations simultaneously by manipulating and processing the data which we input such as weight, temperature, voltage and power density. An Analog system works on continuous variables for the purpose of mathematical computation. 

2. Digital computers:

A Digital computer works on the principle of binary digit system. By counting, comparing and manipulating these digits, a Digital computer can perform complex problems and give more accurate and faster results. Hence, they have an increasing use in the field of design, research and data processing.
Digital computers are further classified as:
1. Specific purpose computers
2. General Purpose computers

3. Hybrid Computers:

Hybrid computers are combination of analog and digital computers. It accepts analog signals, converts them to digital and processes them in digital form.

Types of computer based on configuration

Computers can also be  differentiated on the basis of their physical structures and the purpose of their use. Based on their capability, speed and reliability, they can be divided into the following:

1. Micro computers:

Micro computers are the type of computers which uses a microprocessor. They cost less and  very small in size. The computers which we use in our schools, offices, home etc are the best example of micro computers. Micro computers are also known as  personal computers or PCs. Some another examples of micro computers are:


Handheld computer (pc)

Tablet computer (pc)

Smart Watch

2. Mini computers:

These computers are bigger in size, have higher processing speed and costlier than micro computers. Mini computers are use in businesses, education, army, and many other government departments. Mini computers are mostly designed to handle multiple terminals as well as some are designed to perform a specific or single task only. These computers are very costly and big in size and consume much electrcity consumption  so normal people cannot prefer these computers but on the other side these computers are very fast and  these can work for many hours without taking any rest. 

3. Mainframe computers:

These computers are larger than Mini computers. A mainframe computer processes data at very high speed which is measured in millions of instructions per seconds. Mainframe computers are often used as 'servers' which controls the networks of various computers for large compaines. IBM is the example of mainframe computer.

4. Super computers: 

The largest computers are the super computers. They are the most powerful and the most expensive and the fastest in the world. They are very big and very costly. They are used in space exploration, research laboratories and are used by the governmental agencies.
Exampes of super computers are: CRAY-1, CRAY-2 etc.


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