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Showing posts from March, 2021

Input and Output Devices

  Input Devices Input refers to the data or instructions which we feed  into a computer. Input devices are used to enrer data and information into a computer. The input unit converts the incoming data and instructions into a pattern of binary codes which is understood by a computer. Then it further supplies data to the processor for processing. Some of the input devices are: 1. Keyboard:  Keyboard is the one of the most important devices used to input data and instructions into a computer. The standard computer  keyboards  typically contain 101  keys. There are mainly five types of keys on a keyboard: types of keys Keyboard 2. Mouse: Mouse is the most commonly used input and pointing device that lets you select  and move items on the screen. The left mouse button is used  more, frequently than the right button. A single left  click selects an item while double-clicking on an item activates the application. The right-click  often displays a list  of commands on the screen. Types of mous

History of computers? Types of computers ?

 History of computers? Computers are not  the creation of one day, it took a long period for the development of modern computer. Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer. Alan Turing is known as the father of modern computer.The 1st computer architecture was introduced by John Von Neumann in 1948. ENIAC was the world's 1st successful electronic computer which was developed by the two scientists namely JP Eckert & Jw Mauchy. It was the beginning of   1st generation computer. Siddhartha was the 1st computer developed in INDIA. The worlds 1st computer called the Z1, was invented by Konrad zuse. CRAY-1 was the 1st Super computer introduced by Seymour R Cray in 1976. PARAM was the 1st supercomputer developed in INDIA In 1990 which is assembled in Pune(Maharashtra). PARAM YUVA II developed in India (Pune). It is performed at a peak of 524 teraflops. It has been ranked 33rd in the list of Top 500 super computers in world. Tianhe-2 is the world's fastest supercomputer lau

What is Computer, Characteristics of a computer, Appications of computer, How computer works, Functions of computer?

 What is computer? The word computer is derived from 'compute', which means to calculate. A computer is an electronic device  that accepts data from the user, processes the data and  operations on it and gives the user an output. The full form of computer is C ommon O perating  M achine P urposely  U sed For T echnological and E ducation R esearch.  Computer can handle multiple tasks like documentation, designing, entertaining, education, weather forcasting and many more. In today's time computers are being used everywhere, whether it is  army or banks. computer system Characteristics of a computer A computer is capable to perform highly complex tasks, which a man is not able to perform efficienlty. The various strenghts of computer are: SPEED:  A computer works at an amazing speed without making any mistakes. The computer can process data very fast at the rate of millions of instructions per second.   ACCURACY:  Computers provide a high degree of accuracy. It hardly commit